Friday, 27 September 2019

Cuarenta y ocho

Oh for goodness' sake! Pretty comfy drifting off last night...drowsy, drowsy, dream, dream, dream...then a couple of hours later its Aaargh, make it stop! Somehow I'd managed to hurt my back moving around in my sleep. I give thanks for eventually dozing off again and eventually waking up not too late to slowly do the things I needed to do. For the pain gradually easing, and that being bleary eyed doesn't matter too much on a dialysis day.

I give thanks for managing to send some emails about various tricksy matters. For trying to remain philosophical when they didn't produce the desired effects, and when finding out that all the info I had last Friday and again a couple of days ago regarding an upcoming investigative procedure is in fact wrong again. It seems to be my fate at the moment that many matters should be a struggle so I'm grateful for understanding ranting and raving about it won't help improve my sense of wellbeing at all, I just have to go with the flow and roll with the blows and remember none of it really matters in the grand scheme of things. I give thanks that sometimes things do go unexpectedly right for me finding a chili and some pieces of fresh ginger and turmeric root had stayed usable for over a month in the fridge so I could throw them in the pestle with some seeds and stuff and pestle away some frustrations!

As there's still no news of the replacement washing machine part I give thanks for a bathroom with a window so small garments can drip over the bath, and an airy (and sometimes sunny) spare room when they've stopped. For dark clouds and bright sunshine, a streak of pale rainbow and geese flying over the field. They put me in a better mood coming home...

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