Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Cuarenta y cinco

My back has been very slow to forgive for something seemingly innocuous but clearly too strenuous done yesterday evening so it wasn't an easy night. I was grateful this meant I got to enjoy the two flashes of lightning and one rumble of thunder to go with the torrential rain however, and for getting enough short sleeps not to feel deprived. For a fine excuse for a very slow and unstressed day... Suspecting the damage was carrying things with me as I went up and down the stairs I cut that out completely and stayed indoors improperly dressed. Result!

I give thanks for reminding myself simply looking after one's own small needs may not seem very productive...but it's a whole lot better than needing someone to do it for you. And that there's no shame in that scenario either. For producing some nice things to eat with minimal effort, mostly keeping up with the washing up and for feeding and watering my houseplants too...

For this rose noticed and appreciated several times on the way out of treatment and photographed just before the heavy downpours took their toll.

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