Sunday, 8 September 2019


Phew, that was a tough night! I give thanks for trying to get better at relaxing into the pain, and also - as the only pain relief I have is paracetamol - for learning to get better at going longer between doses so there's one left for the small hours when it feels as if it will never ease off enough to let me get to sleep.

I give thanks for eventually getting a few hours unconsciousness, and a couple more after I awoke when I was comfortable lying still...though of course also terrified to move! I give thanks for John and Jo being so kind and helpful in so many ways, this morning bringing me tea and toast in bed to encourage me to take the take the plunge and change position.

Later I gave thanks they took me out for lunch, or rather took me out and then accepted my offer of treating us all to say thank you. I'm gradually doing a little more moving around, but it's very tiring and requires lots of taking it easy in between stages, so I'm grateful for recognising the importance of putting the effort into doing something for pleasure, in the midst of this patch where most revolves around little more than survival. I give thanks for nice weather and delicious food, though the benches did evil things to my back and caused some considerable regret in that department.

I give thanks for the karaoke crowd being a bit louder than I would have preferred, as this helps stop me drifting too deeply into sleep as I take some time out in bed ready for the challenges of getting some supper, getting as ready as possible for a treatment day tomorrow, and getting ready for bed.

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