I forgot to say thanks for the rain yesterday
Wow, wasn't it awesome? OK, I was scrunched in an armchair wondering how hard it would be to get down the stairs and into a taxi not out in it trying to drive or walk or ride a bike but I'd have happily swapped if I could!
I give thanks for this reminder of all the wonderful projects achieved through this programme. Haha, not the dancing one... I'm well aware many folk think that one has its charms but they're mostly lost on me...
I give thanks for continuing to hope the Social Care Reablement Scheme turns out to be useful to some people struggling to look after themselves after a hospital stay as they say on the website. After many more phone calls today though, I've been told a) that it sounded as if I needed permanent help and b) I couldn't have it if I did. Now that upset me on both counts, as it had never crossed my mind that this might be a permanent state of inability. But when they said, oh and we don't actually do things for people - we find ways to support them to do them themselves I began to lose the plot. So for instance, if you can't go shopping we'll encourage you to do it online, I was advised. And the cleaning, you mention I asked. Oh no, they don't actually do the cleaning for you! So they're just going to stand over me and say try harder, hurt yourself more! Or encourage me to use air freshener to mask the smell. Really? So what's the point? For someone in an office to kid themselves they're doing something worthwhile while stacking up their pension? No, thanks, I'll just try harder and hurt myself more without your intervention thanks. I am, of course, grateful that due to its failings the scheme is somehow still re-abling me... gotta love a bit of irony haven't you?
I'm even more grateful however for a visit from Jenny, bringing me some non online shopping in her lunch break, along with a bunch of flowers, good company...and a pair of willing hands to tackle the mound of washing up. Last night I slept very badly but I gave thanks for a lovely snooze after she'd gone
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