Thursday 12 September 2019

Treinta y tres

I give thanks for being up and about for longer during the last twenty four hours and achieving a little bit more. I even washed up a few bits of crockery and cutlery while waiting for my poached egg to cook last night. This was around 11 pm,..and yes I know if you eat late you're more likely to put on weight, but in my case that's the idea and I did really fancy one on toast! Bending down to the bottom parts of cupboards is not a good plan late at night either as there's likely to be a wrenching pain somewhere I wouldn't want to take to bed with me. But I did manage to get out a pan and cook one the old fashioned way, and surprisingly well for the poor poacher that I am. I give thanks for eating most of it too... still got to build that appetite up...

I give thanks for a mostly duvet day today, in between little forays into domestic life. For a timely visit from Julie and Spencer to help with chores I still find beyond me like popping to the shop and getting a load of laundry done. Spencer's washing machine fixation came in handy there, and his mum and I were both impressed with his handling of a list of things to deliver and fetch, even choosing suitable substitutes when the items I asked for in the Co op weren't there. Meanwhile on the milder end of the spectrum it's always a relief to talk to someone else who finds the majority of social interaction a minefield of mysteries! I give thanks for a scone with jam and cream to pile on a few more gs and a long nap after to catch up on zs...

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