Tuesday 26 November 2019


I give thanks for making a range of purposeful plans for today. I'm so lucky to be so self motivated, some people don't know just what to do with themselves do they? Also that none of these schemes were time specific in their execution as the worst kind joint and muscle pain descended on me last night and stayed with me throughout the day. I've not had it this bad for several months and I give great thanks for that!

I give thanks for the workmen being back at their sea wall building so I could watch them for a while with a comforting small hours snack. For the bright and breezy weather for those going out and about, and for myself for being able to take a day off  from pretty much all tasks and responsibilities and get as much rest as possible. What a blessing that is when you're below par... And what a mystery when you have a fluctuating condition that your capability can vary so much. I literally cannot imagine being the relatively active soul of just twenty four ago! I do give thanks she remembered paracetamol when she went to the shop though...and picked up a bag of their famously accidental vegan custard donuts reduced to 30p!

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