Saturday 23 November 2019


There was no internet where I was in the ward yesterday, so it was only late last night I caught up with emails and discovered my query about the charge for changing my leccy meter for a single tariff had resulted in it being dropped. Woohoo, I am most grateful for that! It's a bit of a shame I left my bedroom heater on what is now non economy rate night...but only on 'frost control' and oh I was grateful for the extra cosiness!

Actually it wasn't very late as the aches were very horrid, and I took some medication and buried myself in bed. I give my bed is my friend again after that difficult time with my back, and for the bliss of a decent sleep.

Bliss is not a state I'm experiencing a lot of lately so I was very grateful for there being a satisfying amount today. It was so good to be able to potter around at my own pace in the morning, and then head over to where Rachel lives to hide something she left behind on Monday in a bush outside as she was elsewhere today. The wind and rain had died down by the time I set off and I gave thanks I could haul myself up to the tourist seat on an almost empty top deck to quietly admire the scenic views. There was low cloud hovering over the sea and hanging on the the high ground, and when we climbed up the hill the atmospheric mistiness between the bright coloured leaves on the trees had me catching my breath in delight. I've not been along that road for a long while so it was a wonderful treat and felt rather like being on holiday. For the chance to visit my favourite food store too and come back with assorted lightweight goodies...For just listening to what's inside my head instead of what's in other people's!

I give thanks my joints have been mostly well behaved as long as there has been plenty of rest between activity. For buttered crumpets and bus rides helping with this when I was out, and the remote control and sofa since I've been home. I give thanks for making my tea yesterday so I could do a few small decorating jobs instead when I got home, and can now soak in the bath and just heat it up for a lazy end to the day.

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