Monday 4 November 2019


What a lovely patch of sunshine this morning in between the showers! I give thanks for the surprising warmth of it while waiting for the taxi to come. For long silences between the driver's grumbles to enjoy the autumn coloured leaves and fields, stormy clouds and rainbows, ducks and geese practising flying in their skeins. For my favourite Romanian on the way home, who has a clever mind and a rather poetic soul. As we turned out of the hospital car park he said 'Now all we need is a sunset'!

I give thanks for sound advice from those who have more knowledge or experience than others have yet to acquire. It tends to work best if requested (or looked up on the internet!) as one is ready to listen and learn, but while the unsolicited sort can be useful too, it often seems less so for the recipient than for the donor who might want to brag a bit or patronise or simply tell a story about something that happened to them. Sometimes it's nigh on impossible to see who will benefit - like the warning I received recently not to work too hard on the flat or I might die before it's finished! Of course I might die before it's done, but the level of 'hard' in the quantity of 'work' I manage would seem to me to me to be more like the recommended short bursts of light exercise, than anything more life threatening than I have there's not even going to be the chance to say 'I told you so!' if I'm wrong!

I am grateful to be able to report feeling more invigorated than damaged by my weekend exertions, and for a few more before I went out. For being OK now I'm home again, but my goodness did my body struggle with treatment today, with repeated blood pressure plummets. I've never seen anyone shed this mortal coil whilst decorating, but I have witnessed them do so when this happens on dialysis, so I gave thanks for the good advice from a senior member of staff summoned when usual adjustments failed, and even more so when they unplugged me and I could return to the land of the living again.

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