Wednesday 27 November 2019


Oooh these winter evening skies, aren't they marvellous? Even when there's no sunset colours you get the stormy streaks and banks of cloud, and sometimes a bare tree silhouetted against a still light patch. I give thanks for how especially pleasing these are after being cooped up indoors with not a lot more to see than walls. Actually, today, as a patient came off a machine early and another one had transport problems and was late, I was given a side room. This is a wonderful treat for me, and I got to see some windows and rooves and an interesting shadow when the sun came out which I would have loved to have caught a picture of but I couldn't hold my phone.

I give thanks for the good sister being the one to answer my bell when my blood pressure went right down again, so that I was soon sorted and feeling well enough for food, catch up TV and soothing music. For the Wednesday tea maker who usually makes an evil brew, producing something quite palatable today. For trying very hard to be nicer to people I find it hard to appreciate...with some success I think. For the film All is Lost amply demonstrating whatever we are going through worse things happen at sea...

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