Tuesday 19 November 2019


I give thanks for the deep sleep of adequate analgesia. For waking up this morning and being very grateful I didn't have to get up straight away...until I turned over and realised I'd slept through a malfunction of urological technology and needed to get up even quicker than that! I guess on the whole I'm grateful I didn't have to deal with the situation in the middle of a very nippy night, and I'm grateful of course, that I still have urological function to deal with as it means I don't have to restrict my fluid intake between treatments...but it can be swings and roundabouts with output sometimes, and make me rather morose when things go awry.

Feeling rather cheated of a bit of leisurely time off and the worn off good humour in which I started the day, I give thanks for going back to bed with my tablet to finish off watching the Dublin Murders on BBC iplayer - it was too good to wait for my next dialysis session! For there being a whole raft of new offerings arriving on Netflix soon to while away the chair bound hours so there should be something good to replace it.

I give thanks for finally catching up with myself in time to catch the first of two buses to the hospital for my physio appointment, though I took so long about it I couldn't do most of the things I meant to on the way. I was very grateful I'd arranged to do something after - treat Julie and Spencer (and myself!) to tea in a cafe with loads of veggie and vegan options to say an early Happy Birthday to Julie and thank you to them both for all the help they give me with shopping, lifts, furniture moving and diy. We all spent most of the journey home saying how nice it had been, which I think means it probably was...and so filling that none of us could manage dessert which is pretty much a first!¬

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