Thursday 28 November 2019


I give thanks for a still morning with pale sunshine on the flat sea and mountains of clouds beyond, a little cabin cruiser heading south across the bay... For trying to get a snap and then being reminded of that picture of Jeremy on the train - posed and posted most calculatingly I'm sure, but charming nonetheless compared to the general mire of improbable propaganda and promises on all sides. For the team of chaps with shovels, wheelbarrows and power washers, cleaning the hillsides off the footpath by the brook where the floodwater deposited them earlier in the week.

I've not had a lot of energy but I give thanks by afternoon I was capable of hunting down various purchases including a mini mostly lentil 'nut roast' for a festive meal. These are made locally and some are popped into the local health food shop freezer where, as they say on the packet, they keep for three months. It was only after I got mine home however I realised it had already been in a state of suspended animation since mid July, so I'm grateful after some pressing my point on the phone they have agreed to exchange it for one rather less ancient! I give thanks for the ladies in the little paint shop dipping me a stick to take home to try, and Julie collecting some big tins from the big shop for me, which we would bought when we were there a week or two ago, only it was much cheaper to order on line! Oh and for her collecting me on the way to deliver them to my 'shed' as well. I also give thanks for a new washing up bowl in a lively shade of green, some chipotle sauce to spice up my savories and some budget candles to enhance my bath time, which reminds me - it's time for a rose perfumed wallow!

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