Monday 18 November 2019


I give thanks for spotting a history of Just a Minute by the live great Nicholas Parsons on a charity shop book shelf a week of two. He is such a fascinating chap and still going pretty strong in his nineties bless him! For being able to hold and enjoy reading it in the bath last night as both hands kept going into spasm in response to what they considered overwork during the day. For the taped up dustsheets in the living room and jam on the fridge door making the place look like an American murder movie! Oh, and for my endlessly entertaining (to me!) sense of humour - my fingers are still fumbly today and I just typed the penultimate word in the last sentence as if Neil Oliver had spoken it, and it made me chuckle. I also made some staff have a laugh today, which is always something to be grateful for...well, if you've done it deliberately rather than by accident! I have to answer two questions before I have my new improved non hair destroying anti-coagulant. The first one is  'What is your date of birth?' and the second 'Do you have any active bleeding?' 'Yes!' I said to that one...'I've blood pouring out of my arm into a machine!' Clearly no one has responded like that before!

I give thanks I don't have to be at hospital until the late afternoon tomorrow - and that it's a different hospital. Woohoo, a change of scene!

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