Monday 25 November 2019


Starting today there's a new way of working on the ward and it means we patients have permanent places, so I've been worrying where mine might be. I give thanks for the ways in which my allocation pleases me - the relatively stable internet access for one, no glaring light over my head and not being next to those freezing air conditioning units. I'm not next to crunchy man either though he is not far away, and it's a busy bustly spot so I shall be very grateful when I finally get round to upgrading my headphones and maybe hearing less of the endless intrusive noise.

I give thanks for sleeping passably well without any chemical assistance so going without a nap during treatment wasn't too much of a hardship. For that wonderfully relaxing music to listen to to help me feel detached. For the sense of relief when I exited the cab home outside - the drivers today would not have not been my first, second or several other sorts of choice but I'm very grateful they took me to and fro nonetheless. For having enough energy to raid the Co-op and admire the coloured strings of brook lights reflected in the water on the way.

For something I want to watch and listen to on TV instead of the dreadful drone of radios in the taxis and TVs on the unit, For a ready meal to save on cooking and cleaning up after. They sure do save on taste though, don't they? I give thanks I've proper food planned for the next couple of days!

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