Friday 29 November 2019


Some women gin would do it..or diamonds perhaps...or shoes...but I was purring last night over a long barge docking at the place where we have no dock and an exchange of plant taking place. Big boats! Lights on dark water! Moving machinery!

I don't know if all the excitement contributed to my inability to sleep, but it seemed to be all the usual suspects of symptoms and concerns. It's a shame I didn't set my alarm when it got to 3 am, but I give thanks for my body clock waking me up in just enough time to get everything done. Also for using some of the night usefully, composing a message to the person I'm not dying quick enough for (the debt is due to be repaid in my will) as to what I can manage while I am living.

I give thanks for realising after two inward bound journeys in a row resulted in me being mansplained to within an inch of my sanity, that it's all a question of choosing your audience. For some reason these chaps are making a bit of an error of judgement there! And as I really felt the need for a little light off loading I was very grateful as I walked onto the ward for remembering I too should stop and assess whether the person on the receiving end would have any interest at all. Luckily it was the ideal member of staff with whom to share a bit of a rant and a lot of humour. I was very grateful for that! Likewise at 'coming off' time. There's not much nicer in life than making others laugh, now is there?

I give thanks for working out spring onion tops are a fine substitute for chives when you can't get your hands on the latter. For the decorator chap and I agreeing on a date for some more application of various papers. I'm very grateful the space is big enough to use half of it while the other side is being done but it would be pleasant to see some more progress and to have my books and bits back in. I give thanks for having a quick look at the lights switch on proceedings when I got home, but it was too cold to be just in my treatment/travelling clothes and I was even more grateful not to stay to the end. They've fixed and switched on the weather vulnerable lower brook lights outside my window and that's good enough for me.

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