Saturday 30 November 2019


I give thanks for making myself wake up early(ish) after yet another poor night's sleep. My reasoning was that the postman might ring the bell with a package - which he didn't - but it meant I was able to watch the impressive waves at high tide. I do understand they are big 'bad' waves eroding this stretch of coast, causing rust on cars, cancelled trains etc...but oh they make me feel so good!

For some periods of activity when I managed to achieve a pleasing amount, and times of snuggling up under a throw on the sofa, watching murders solved and having little drifts away from consciousness of the day. For a meat style vegan burger which smelt and looked quite gross actually tasting pretty good in a fancy pants caramelised onion ciabatta roll with a little salad and doritos on the side. I do rather like meals that feel like though I do rather like cooking sometimes, sometimes it's rather nice to not! For all the many women I've met who have men in their lives who do the catering. I love to imagine how wonderful it must be that could be doing something else and someone calls "Food's ready!" but I must remember to be grateful that at least if you are your own head chef you get to choose what the food is!

I give thanks for spotting this little pink bellis that either survived emptying of tubs and baskets in the park, remaining gloriously un- muddy on a mound of clumps of earth... or is the austerity winter planting scheme in its entirety. Of course someone could have simply put it there deliberately to amuse observant souls like me, but if they did I'm grateful for that too!

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