Sunday 16 August 2020


Often pain and fatigue are connected but sometimes they come and go according to schedules of their own. Today it's been the latter - I've had high levels of energy and motivation, but also severe discomfort in body parts that made doing anything with this liveliness quite a challenge. I've been being pretty grateful though, as I think it's a better deal than the other way around...and productive busyness can take your mind off pain to some extent...and also children and dogs having tantrums outside. I give thanks for having a pint of milk in the freezer (and remembering to take it out!) as this meant I could avoid effortful brushing of hair, fastening of shoes, face mask wearing and other virus related inconveniences including dodgy grockle dodging, and just stay in my own little world for the day. For making some progress in rationalising storage of stuff I want to keep, plus items I don't but can't offload to charity shops just now. For also making progress on a couple of mosaic pieces I'm pleased with. I've had a few experiments not turn out well at all which can be disheartening, and although there is intrinsic pleasure in the process it can quickly fade when you produce something you really wish you hadn't! 

I give thanks for the connection of the internet - both literally and metaphorically. For using it to talk to a plumber about what sort of shower to replace my old with, and then shopping around to make a choice to run by him so there'll be no sharp intake of breath and patronising paternalistic comments when he arrives to fit it. For being philosophical about my new TV still being on the floor - trying to operate a screwdriver today would not be wise methinks. For another online Yoga Nidra session booked for when I can lie still more comfortably, and for polenta chips cooking in the oven for some comfort eating very soon.

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