Friday 14 August 2020


I'm usually grateful when the taxi company sends one of its executive cars to pick me up, partly because I do like the comfort of a quality vehicle and partly because you tend to get a better class of conversation from the drivers - although some could moonlight as handles for doors if you know what I mean! I'm extra grateful when these sleek and substantial motors glide to a halt beside the busy tourist spots and I catch the mystified glances when a solitary scruffy old woman with a rucksack climbs aboard! I told the unit matron about this while he was hooking me up to a machine this afternoon and he said they might think I was a famous writer heading to a book signing which I found a very pleasing figment of his imagination...  I give thanks there are several members of staff there who treat me as if I'm still a fully paid up member of the human race, it really improves the quality of my day.

I give thanks for noting, on behalf of those aforementioned rather damp spirited visitors, they've put umbrellas up over the outer tables at the new 'sports bar' along the way...and for noting what appeared to be a cake display unit in the cafe part inside. Come September, when hopefully I can get to it unscathed, I might take my sweet tooth there for a might as well rain until then as far as i'm concerned!

I give thanks for remembering, after another steamy night (but not in a good way!), that I bought an extra light single quilt for the spare room last year, and that there's absolutely no reason why I can't 'borrow' that when necessary...I look forward to being covered over but not over cooked. Oh and I give thanks for making some of my delicious individual savoury pastries for my tea. It always feels like a sociable and celebratory occasion when I have those - even if it's just me and it's not!

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