Saturday 15 August 2020


I'm grateful I spotted a programme about pain earlier this filled in some sofa time on a day much troubled by aching muscles and joints. This was on my old TV as the new one is still footloose on the floor a waiting a mojo day for me assemble the stands.

I give thanks for managing a few useful activities nonetheless, and for some pleasure in with those as well. Personally I find distraction a very valuable tool when I'm suffering so it's no good getting bored just resting, and as movement at least redistributes the discomfort so pottering with crafts for short periods can help...though mysteriously washing the pots doesn't have quite the same effect! I do give thanks for making washing up making blondies this afternoon however, even more or less following a recipe (which is a challenge for rebels like me), but by switching to wholemeal flour and leaving out a heap of the sugar making something more to my taste. There's a huge psychological element to physical distress and a bit of nurturing goes down a treat even if you have to bake the cake and serve it to yourself!

I give thanks for meeting Mima earlier too on a mission mostly unaccomplished. For experiencing a cafe for the first time in many months...though I have to say it didn't feel right at all. For plenty of low cloud and drizzle to quieten down the tourists a little, and for a gaggle of geese having a bit of a party on the lawns instead. For realising there is a second series of Life on Mars to enjoy...and earlier this year there were even plans to make a third, though who knows if they will come to fruition now. Right time to redistribute that pain again. Nothing involving hands for a while - oops, no washing up again! I give thanks I've plenty of crockery...

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