Friday 8 January 2021


The last twenty four hours have not been bursting with obvious charms so I give thanks for my 'Oh well, at least...' button! In the wee small hours I was grateful I eventually did actually wake up after one of those nightmares where you think you have but then move on to further horrors, and for lavender oil on hand to eventually soothe me back to sleep.

I give thanks for a successful dialysis session, and for the reminder of how fortunate I am to usually have a quiet and cosy side room as this afternoon (due to a glitch in the system meaning I wasn't even on the system!) I was out in the open clamorous ward by an open window and a busy nurses' station. For my meditation app working today and managing to drift off a while... For my friendly helpful taxi driver and for trying to be friendly and helpful back when changes to a new temporary contract he's taken on means he's better off making himself unavailable to me for a few upcoming days. For the valuable reminders not to get too attached to well...anything really...including the outcome of a crafty thing that took a wrong turn somewhere. and didn't turn out as planned. 

I give thanks for the escapism of TV. For Lucy Worsley making even my least favourite historical subjects amusing and interesting, and for her delightful sense of style. For a belated trip to the very funny celebrity New Year's Sewing Bee, and for Patrick and Esme's sense of fun. For remembering though I am weary and weary of the world tonight, I'm a darn sight less so that I would be if I'd had two treatments today!

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