Saturday 28 August 2021


I was grateful to see the men working on the gutters and fascias outside yesterday morning (especially as they didn't quite see me wandering around not quite as dressed as I might have been!), but gave thanks they weren't here until later today so I could enjoy a leisurely lie in interspersed with getting up for snacks, working on new mosaic ideas which are coming thick and fast right now, and the usual household chores. For the most amount of sleep I've had in a night for months producing much mellowness without any medical assistance...

The forecast suggested it would be a tad on the brisk side for a wuss like me, while the calendar, of course, led me to believe there would be wall to wall tourists right up to the building entrance gate, so I was quite delighted when, after a fragrant wallow in the bath and a delicious picky bits lunch at home (smoked hummus, stuffed vine leaves, chilli oat crackers, olives et al) it looked calm enough outside to go out for a stroll...and work on getting fitter ready for when I next get ill!

I give thanks for making it to the cove where mysteriously there was no queue and empty tables at the café (and no, they hadn't run out of milk - I checked!). It was also warm enough for me to want to take off my top and leggings...and as they were under my dress but over underwear rather than a cozzy that meant a trip back to the loos to change...and there was still no queue and somewhere to sit when I returned! I give thanks my guardian angel must have had a word with the gods as normal service soon resumed. For lush cake that didn't just taste of sugar (a rarity it seems these days), my first cappuccino for months (nom nom nom) and a convenient spot on the beach appearing when I was ready to move down there with a book and a happy, if slightly bemused, expression at unexpectedly finding myself doing the Bank Holiday thing!

I give thanks for changes of activity helping keep the aches, pains and cramps under reasonable control. For homemade food dug out of the freezer in time for tea, and for remembering to stop pottering and eat it so I can take those pesky pills.

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