Tuesday 10 August 2021


I give thanks for finding out those chaps working outside my bedroom and kitchen window won't be doing so I'm the morning at all as they're doing it after their day jobs. That'll save all of us a potential fright! I'm very grateful our building manager has managed to organise something at last as what with lockdowns and let downs we've been needing the gutters etc sorted for far too long. For enjoying the pretty light after the sun came up without an audience or accompaniment of chatter and tools. 

I give thanks after last week's shenanigans my prescription for surgical supplies has finally arrived somewhere where they can supply them in a form that saves me a lot of clumsy and painful manual effort. Also that it's highly unlikely any reader has a clue quite what a relief this might be.

For hearing from some people I'd not heard from for a while. Sometimes someone taking the time to write a few words when you're not at your at your best can really make a difference.

For managing to make a difference to some of the multiple backlogs of minor domestic tasks, enjoying a lengthy afternoon snooze to make up for waking up far too much in the night...and for later managing to very slowly walk what seemed like very far. It wasn't, but a respectable distance nonetheless. I was very grateful for my sofa when I got home, and I'm also delighted my tea is already made. 

For those pesky liver enzymes coming down a little again after last week's stall. They're in the 70s now, which is still in the area of 'cause for concern' but a vast improvement on where they started out at the 'freak out and panic the patient level' of almost 1400! 

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