Thursday 4 December 2014

Choose life

I'm grateful for a lot of sleep. After a full eight hours of upness I was in bed before 9.00 pm last night and spark out soon after, so when I woke up a few times I assumed that's how I'd stay...but my body just kept arranging for more! I'm grateful for a chilly grey day to stay indoors and not be too bothered about getting things done, though as is often the way when you set yourself no goals, achieving more than I thought I would do.

I've been known to grumble about too much choice. I'm grateful that there are so many businesses producing so many goods and services from the point of view of those for whom these create a living, but the individual would be consumer can feel a tad overwhelmed sometimes.  So after a long on line look I'm grateful I finally managed to get just the right sort of pockety thing to go on the back of my door and store/choose gloves and hats and scarves. This time of year these garments tend to be in much demand but to hide away in bags and coats or get lost, so at least this way I'll be able to see if they've made it back to the designated place! Plus I'm sure there must be some extra home insulation involved as well, so gratitude for that...

Recently I've also been grateful I know even if the National Rail website says there isn't the ticket you want the Trainline one might sell you one, and that if you ring a hostelry and ask for a particular type of room and they say they haven't one available you may be able to book the very thing on LateRooms! I'm grateful I've thus arranged not only to go to to Marie's funeral but to stay at the hotel for the large family gathering afterwards. It's not the kind of thing I'm usually involved in, my closest relatives (apart from Bob) not being what you'd call close in any other sense, and I'm particularly grateful to my cousin Simon for making me feel I'm welcome and wanted there.


  1. I am still intrigued by the photo from Monday's post. I'd really like to know where it is. Are you telling? Or do you want to remain a woman of mystery?

  2. It's the garden reading room at the Geffrye Museum in Hoxton

  3. Thank you! That has stiffened my resolve to get there in 2015.


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