Monday 5 January 2015

Five finger exercise

I'm grateful I'm getting rather good at doing very little at all! Not much has been achieved today that could be described or remarked upon apart from creating and sustaining a feeling of some calm contentment, and I give great thanks for that of course...

I'm grateful for spotting the first buds of the mimosa tree have opened, flecks of acid yellow gleaming in the gloaming...

I'm grateful for remembering I did take a photo yesterday. I'd forgotten as most of the time I was outdoors my hands were just to cold to take them out of my pockets, but close by home I spotted these snails getting up close and cosy on a pretty bit of wall and had to give in and get them and the camera out...

I'm grateful for doing some research on various aids for the manually challenged. I thought some grips for pens and pencils would be good but when I checked out one listing on ebay they suggested I might like a midwife's measure to go with it...I'm grateful I found another instead!

I'm grateful I had a tidy up so I felt ready to relax further for my acupuncture treatment, and that Rachel arrived early so that we had time for a good natter and catch up as well as tea before we left for choir. Well, nearly enough time - we did end up almost last through the doors and right at the back which does bring out our rebel schoolgirl side but I give thanks for that as well!

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