Thursday 15 January 2015

This day

In view of the many weaknesses I've encountered today, I give thanks for my sturdy spirit and boots, my appreciation of irony and also spellcheckers - as the eighth word above wasn't 'encountered' when first I typed it!

Having a fondness for a particular loaf only some Co ops sell, I'm grateful I decided to try the one a half hour bus ride away rather than the one an hour's train ride distant as I had urgent need of a loo about 25 mins into my journey. I'm grateful there was a cafe with a loo near the bus stop, and that the loo had a washbasin inside it.. and some very nice cake outside it too! At least I think it was a cafe, it might have been a care home judging by the clientele and the caring way the waiter dealt with ideal for me really. I was grateful for my cunning wardrobe choices that hide a lot of problems and, as there was none of that bread in the Co-op and sorting myself out meant I'd missed the bus back, I was grateful for sunshine and breezes to air them so to speak...

I'm grateful I thought of going to see the sea while I waited, and that when I saw it...and how far away it still was, I'm grateful I found a shortcut back and that there were seats here and there!There were times when I thought I'd not make it to the top, but at I thought how grateful I'd be to die on a walk in the woods so that was OK too...

I'm grateful for the sight of workman moving their ladders so a lady with a walking frame could get past, and for hearing her say it was kind and reminded her of an old TV show she liked to watch. 'Which one?' asked her companion...'Bread' she replied! And then... when I rested on a bench by the bus stop I was grateful I stopped to check which pocket my bus pass was in as it turned out to be in a pocket of my purse which had parted company with me at some point. So probably I'm most grateful of all for finding it back in that cafe...

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