Thursday 16 July 2015

Dark grey

Gratitude? Hmm... Pass. I'm grateful I keep a gratitude journal because without knowing I've set myself the task to find some I don't think I'd have felt a teensy weeny bit grateful today.

I'm grateful I have somewhere to live. I'm grateful it's been another mostly grey and dark day, perfectly reasonable for staying inside it - there were a couple of patches where the sun broke through the low clouds and I was worried I might feel I ought to go out, but mercifully they passed. I'm grateful I've not been in a lot of physical pain so in the bits when I felt motivated I could get on with this and that that needed doing. I'm grateful I haven't felt very motivated. I'm grateful when I feel grumpy and sad I can just get on with it without having to apologise or explain. I'm grateful I don't have to eat if I don't feel like it either, but that there's food available when I do. I'm grateful for mugs of tea.

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