Sunday 5 July 2015

Really free

I give thanks it's Sunday evening - sometimes weekends can be hard work. I give thanks for understanding it's my perceptions and preferences and desire to understand things make it so, and even the desire to be free from even the desire!

I give thanks for watching the film Samsara yet again. It touches something inside me not normally reached.

I give thanks for a conversation so long I had to climb up a ladder to fetch a replacement phone and down on my hands and knees to plug it in as the battery on the first one couldn't cope. I'm not used to talking (and listening) to such an extent and am not unequivocally converted to the practice but it makes a change from talking to myself... and I'm always grateful for the experience to be equanimous about change.

I give thanks for giving up trying to describe this image and taking a picture to send instead

I give thanks for a sight of a feather riding a thermal all on its own

I give thanks for remembering John Otway and Wild Willy Barratt...

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