Saturday 13 February 2016

Pink and red and grey and blue

I give thanks for the post lady's touching excitement handing me a solitary bright pink envelope among my everyday mail. I love that she thought it was what she thought it was...and that the sender thought to write its origins on the back so I didn't get any such dumb ass ideas! I give thanks for my touching faith that there are a couple of other envelopes with my name on them still on the way, held up by all the pink and red ones in the system this weekend perhaps... I don't know why people giving us bits of stiff coloured paper should make us feel good but somehow sometimes they do, and sometimes when they don't it doesn't too.

I give thanks for the library's blind date book shelf where you choose something red wrapped with a clue to the genre on the front. I give thanks I had two recommended and ordered ones to collect anyway...and that they were slim paperbacks not thick heavy to lug home tomes as I had feared.

I give thanks to Jenny for treating me to lunch at a table with a view of the waving sea and delivering a some little birthday whatnots from knitting chums, for a catch up and for a lift home - woohoo!

I give thanks for all the neighbours being out for a while, for a nap, for DVDs and recorded TV to watch, the jigsaw, the books (about games people play, and stigma for those who can't join in!) and lots of paper hankies - weekends are almost always grey days, and birthdays often make me inconsolably blue...

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