Monday 8 February 2016

Mind your language

So how was it for you? Did the earth move...was there wave upon wave of wonderfulness? Bit limp here I thought but then I'm comparing it to the pounding we had a couple of years ago, when for once I was actually frightened. Mind you I kinda like being a bit scared long as I'm really quite safe of course!

I give thanks for being awake in the night anyway just in case...still wrestling with the birthday conundrum. I give thanks to Jenny for offering to join me for a cup of tea and a look at the sea 'if I don't get a better offer'. I give thanks I know I'm not going to get any such thing, and it's a very kind offer as indeed those are things I like to do, but of course that's why I indulge in them as often as I can and although I've had a lot of birthdays I've still not grown out of wanting to do something a bit different and special when they come along. I give thanks thanks I did come up with one cunning plan a few weeks ago but it involved other people and the other people were all involved in other things... Oh well, I'm sure I'll give thanks for another fine lesson in acceptance when the day comes round don't you?

I give thanks that yesterday's resting prepared me for today's DIY demands which involved a bit of screwing. For obvious reasons I've not done a lot of this in recent times, and was part way through the task when I remembered in even more recent ones, through lack of a man (or woman) to assist, I did purchase a very lightweight cordless drill for desperate moments (I hate things that buzz in my hand!) Lack of use had left that a bit feeble too and rather than hang around on a ladder waiting for it to charge I give thanks I managed to get my fingers to do the working instead. I give thanks you don't need a wetsuit and board to access dodgy terminology...

I give thanks for not being too sharp with anyone about epipens...maybe a little blunt perhaps, but there's a fine line between the two. I give thanks for creating a tasty gluten free pasta tea plus a little light cleaning and tidying up....oh and writing a blog post of course.

I give thanks I'm capable of multiple awesomeness. Put your hands together for the wonder that is me. It has to be you - I can't lift my arms after all that ;-)

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