Tuesday 16 February 2016

Plan a day

Despite a sore throat and a chilly night, I give thanks for sleeping soundly and waking up warm with the bright sun shining through my south facing windows. I give thanks for remembering plan A for today only really consisted of three things - to get everything ready for tomorrow, to kick into touch this little bug rattling round my system (as, interesting though it might be to go down with a cold and have something simple and comprehensible the matter with me, I really haven't the time)...and to rest.

I give thanks that most of the above went smoothly...for my feisty immune system plus Tiger Balm, hot honey, lemon and ginger, Potter's Vegetable Cough Remover and gargling with tea tree oil; for booking a cab to station, working out routes the other end, choosing every item of clothing, downloading something to watch on my tablet, sorting out my new water filter bottle and other items to go in a bag... sorting out a bag...

And I give thanks I think I finally got some new music on my Walkman...despite finding out that Windows 10 doesn't recognise Sony mp3 players and fails to transfer anything any way I know - sending, syncing, copying files - and remembering why my old laptop is my old laptop. It was so slow it almost wasn't doing anything at all, and the first few things I tried to improve the situation actually stopped it doing the few things it did...but after hours of tortuous reboots and upgrades and downloads I think we eventually got there, though I'm going to wait until tomorrow to see if I can actually play the tracks I seem to have added to the music files because if I haven't it'll be tomorrow already...and I've still not managed all of the rest of the to do list...including, of course, the rest!

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