Sunday 28 February 2016

And carry on...

Sometimes you really don't appreciate what you have til it's gone. I'm often like that with painlessness - I just carry on doing lots of stuff quite forgetting what a blessing it is not to be hurting. And then when the hurting comes back it's hard to deal with the shock and disappointment as well as the actual pain. I give thanks in retrospect for a nice gentle patch without soreness when I sorely overdid the use of various body parts.

I give thanks to Bob for downloading his latest promo mix. Great music to dance to...see above. I give thanks for clearing up as much of the locally mismanaged rubbish as I could manage to..ditto.

I give thanks for sharing mirth and merriment with the Eastcliff Cafe staff at my ineptitude and decrepitude and self deprecation...and for finding a spot out of the wind and in the sunshine to enjoy a cup of take way tea, the sparkly waves and scudding clouds in the sky... For remembering to be grateful just for being there, not wishing I could go further or had someone to be with...

I give thanks for stopping to let a happy young couple pass me on the narrow pavement up the hill...and for seeing the glitter slippered girl whisper something in the boy's ear which led him to lift her up and carry her a few yards to their car. For allowing myself a twinge of envy...well, let's be honest two - one for the romance and one for the being carried!

I give thanks for finding a poem on the side of a packet of rice cakes. Is this normal? I've never seen one before...

I give thanks for a full contingent of noisy neighbours so that I can do a whole bunch of suffering at once this evening...

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