Thursday 25 February 2016

Love and pieces

I give thanks for more nurturing in the form of a sausage sarnie made for me, the fridge light fixed and also the loo seat which means members of the male sex can now proceed without fear of being cut short!

I give thanks for fitting in more of our favourite seasonal traditions like a movie with explosions, car chases etc and quiet companionable jigsaw completion... I give thanks that due to the season being somewhat delayed I got to see Bob off in daylight this time, which feels nicer somehow, not least because I don't have to come home alone in the dark. I don't mind being alone really, and I'm very good at not being nurtured but it's always hardest when I haven't had to be for a while...

I give thanks for all the seagull romance going on on the, I don't really want any more seagulls around but they're clearly feeling loved up and I can't begrudge them the feeling any more than the mature in years but young at heart couple who decided to skip hand in hand down the hill as I came up...I give thanks for their exuberant joy.

I give thanks for my jaunt with Jan to look forward to as I'm feeling a bit flat now I'm home in my flat listening to the neighbours having company instead of them having to listen to me.

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