Thursday 18 February 2016


I give thanks that if I ever get round to producing that long threatened collection of short stories, I've long had a name prepared - it's to be called 'Otherwise'.

We are all multifaceted beings, all essentially the same - precious yet often poignantly undervalued. I've had a lifetime to learn I'm a strangely cut gem that might fit into many settings... but easily falls out, or is pushed! Today, with yesterday's exertions making me slow and reflective, I've been feeling the gratitude still for that strange sense of being with my own kind I had talking to other long term finders of lightness and lightheartdeness in the shadows. Despite all the kinds of 'own kind' I might find, from knee high onwards it's been rare I ever do...and often times time has revealed the feeling misplaced or misdirected...but, I don't know, maybe that makes me more aware of what a wonder it is to feel connected and close even if it's a fleeting thing. Maybe it makes me extra grateful?

I wrote that bit in my head in my bed earlier today...and then pottered around with various overdue tasks giving thanks for feeling the vague stirrings in my system of the EPO doing its job. The conventions of Western medical knowledge would suggest that this cannot be the case but I reckon unless a particular doctor (or a nurse for that matter!) is on particularly intimate terms with your specific body they cannot have more than a vague idea of how your brain perceives its processes...probably ;-)

And then later...
...I gave thanks for realising the old school and beyond chum I was so delighted to find finally arrived on Facebook a couple of days ago has not just not responded to my friend request and message but, as she's become friends with others since, and my request has vanished, has decided not to. Why do I give thanks? Oh I can stop looking forward to hearing back! I think I failed to be how she wanted me to be when I went to visit her fifteen years or so ago and she's not managed to move on from that...or has moved on according to how you look at it. She did very well for herself in life and lives with the kind of comfort and prestige to which I could easily become accustomed if I had but the manners! But I parted company from her with serious doubts about her contentment...and her response reminded me to give thanks for everyone who realises my prestige is otherwise from my content.

Anyway, enough of the puns and philosophising...I give thanks for the symphony of moving light and showers today particularly at sundown, making rainbows on tinted clouds and ruffling the surface of the sea...This is what it looked like in the other direction from the rainbow... Oh and PS to yesterday's post...I give thanks to Liz and Jo for telling me they were red kites!

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