Monday 1 February 2016

Banging on

I'm grateful I was in too much pain to go out today..and that I didn't have to.
I'm grateful although I was in too much pain to go out yesterday really I still did, because sometimes moving around helps, and not feeling imprisoned always does...especially when a local dog is protractedly expressing its own misery about being stuck indoors with no company.

And I'm always grateful if I can get to the bit where I can see the vast sweep of the bay, which always makes me catch my breath, let out a sigh of relief...and sometimes almost cry with joy. I'm grateful whatever poor decisions have marred my life (including many of my own!) coming to live here was a damn fine one.

And I'm grateful the picture I posted inspired a kind comment from someone I don't know...and for this one which captured the watery colours so much better.

I'm grateful I have a new neighbour who seems pleasant, and that for the first time since I moved in I'm not the only owner occupier in the building which may spell progress in getting things sorted here. Of course it also means lots of crashing and banging, as they demolish stud walls in stupid places I should imagine, if my own home improvements are anything to go by. I'm grateful listening reminds me of all the hard work and optimism after I moved in...before the optimism itself became the struggle.

I'm grateful for sorting out the remains of Saturday's sorting out that have been strewn about the place since then and now are not. I'm grateful for clean and tidy.

And finally I'm grateful for thinking of gratitudes all over again because one of my flailing fingers hit something it shouldn't have just now and destroyed this post just as I was about to publish....

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