Monday 13 June 2016

Continental drift

I give thanks for remembering it's a gratitude blog...there are aspects of being home I could be quite ungrateful for otherwise! I give thanks for my lovely bath and bed, for the kind internet for allowing me to download earplugged entertainment, for the friendly laid back little town I live in. I give thanks I have warmer clothes to wear than swimming things and shorts (sighs)...for this mosaicy photo zooming in on the Mediterranean far below.

I give thanks for making a dash for it after my blood test last Friday so that I would be hard to reach if anyone wanted to discuss results. That the 'private number' on my mobile last Monday didn't leave a message and that I simply ignored the one on my land line answering machine when I got back. When I got to the Post Office this afternoon and there was a letter from the surgery as well I thought it must be serious - but clearly not desperately as they just want me to book another one next month - which I always do anyway. The receptionist on the desk today was the one who called last week and when I admitted my unscheduled escape she said she mentioned to her colleagues it sounded as if it were ringing abroad and they said 'Good on her!'

I give thanks for an drifty undriven day, and for a friendly cab driver on the rainy rank when I felt like being driven home. For giving the universe more chances to give me more chances to smile. I give thanks I believe Rachel is due in a bit to bring my tea and treatment, and that if I'm mistaken I have a Plan B that involves opening the freezer door, the biscuit tin and my stash of stylish French cop drama.

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