Wednesday 15 June 2016

Never a cross word

I give thanks for realising an opinion I wanted from a particular person about a particular matter was actually quite particular too, and for seeing how often in life that is the case...we do tend to want validation for our own views (however blinkered) more than contradiction, in fact the often the more others contradict us the more we think they're wrong. I give thanks I spent so long pondering this I never got round to asking...and I'm sure if they knew who they were and what I'd have wanted them to judge they'd have been very grateful not to be put on an uncomfortable spot...and no, it was nothing referendum related!

I give thanks for more idling about but also for some setting about various outstanding tasks about the place. I give thanks for a moving, mysterious and marvellously filmed French drama on catch up...good old BBC4!

I give thanks for a good natured Tesco driver unloading my shopping onto the doorstep in the pouring rain and then driving off and back to let someone pass before bringing it up the stairs. My doorstep is currently hemmed in by gasworks in the road and two abandoned cars. I'm kind of grateful for the first bit, if not the second, as regards the snakes and ladders of the property market...

I give thanks for slight progress in a protracted matter that may come to nothing but could possibly improve my lot a lot. Gee, I'm cryptic today aren't I?  I give thanks there's ever a crossword with the app I downloaded recently for my phone...

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