Tuesday 29 January 2019


I give thanks for another day in my gradually becoming sorted home. All things must pass and I'm sure there will come a time when I don't say to myself several times a day how much I love living here but, at the moment I'm loving I do that too...

I give thanks for the sound of the communal stairs being cleaned this morning. It is not the prettiest hallway but it looks better when it's clean and it's more comfortable going to the front door in your socks too!

I give thanks for going to the front door to let in first a man to talk about electrics, especially the kitchen rearrangement, and another to talk about new windows...plus other things as he's a friend of mine. For doing my bit too, starting sewing the curtain extension, and managing to change two of those light bulbs that save energy by not giving you any light until five minutes after you need it. One of these was in one of those enclosed bathroom shades which looks a lot better for a wash as well...and one of the things I talked to the handyman electrician about was lengthening the pendants on the ones I cannot reach so they can be changed too.

I give thanks for mulling over the concept of home lately - it has different meaning according to context and the individual considering it of course, but although this flat already feels very much like home in one sense, the town I was living in for more than a decade still feels like home in another. I give thanks for being able to travel quite simply and speedily between the two as required.

I give thanks for my exceptionally hearty appetite today - always a healthy sign I think. I thought after a two small breakfasts, an ample cooked lunch and generous amounts of sweet treats in a cafe in town with Mima I might not want much more...but I picked up some goats cheese on the way back and it's calling to me to spread it on garlic bread with maybe some slices of apple on the side. Oh my goodness I give thanks for having my fridge freezer back. It may be cold outside but having a patch of controllable cold indoors is such a wonderful thing!

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