Saturday 18 July 2020


I give thanks for chipping away at what seemed to be an impossible large and arduous task over the last twenty four hours, breaking it down into smaller components, stopping often...and often telling myself I'd leave the next bit and get some help, before leaving it, doing nothing for a while to recuperate and then going back and doing it anyway! For the progress made, results and resulting pain being acceptable - which is a good thing as nothing would change if I thought they weren't! For getting out of all the normal chores I've been either to busy or too exhausted to go near - well for today anyway...For a nap when the going got too tough to keep going...

I give thanks for the suitably summery weather for the tourists and day trippers. I can tell from the volume of their voices they are being quite grateful for a cool beverage or two, while I'm thankful so far they still sound good natured so far they For a bake in the oven barley risotto finishing off for my supper. If I can manage not to make a complete pig of myself, it would also make a very acceptable cold lunch tomorrow. For remembering to adjust my Sainsbury's order for tomorrow too!

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