Sunday 12 July 2020


I give thanks for following the plan for yesterday which was to keep moving despite my fatigue so I slept better last night. It worked and I went out like a light...but my body kept waking me up to complain about the aching joints and muscles, so not an unmitigated success! I give thanks today I've had no choice but to take it easier as I'm still so tired and sore but I give thanks for eventually managing to hobble from seat to seat up the road a little way as in the process I met Jo and Keith and it was nice to stop and say hello... For braving a cake shop and finding though they only take cards there's no surcharge for just buying one!

I give thanks for Clive coming to put up some shelves etc so that when I feel up to getting back at it I have plenty more home making to do. For feebly attempting to remove a blob of plaster slapdashedly slapped over a hole hidden behind a wall heater he removed... I chipped away at the edges but the middle was solid and thick so I hit it a couple of times with the hammer to see if it would break up, and though it stayed a solid mass it gradually sank into the gap behind so now I'll get away with just skimming some filler over the top. I was very grateful for this! I'm pretty handy with a filler knife and rather enjoy making holes disappear, but there are other pastimes I'd rather be getting on right now with like lolling with a book in a warm bath to ease my pain. Have I mentioned (lately) how grateful I am for my bath? I give thanks every time I lower myself into the water.

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