Wednesday 22 July 2020


I give thanks for watching a line of orange clad workmen jovially jogging long a section of the sea wall walkway this morning, to test it or celebrate near completion and a few weeks off looming maybe? For one of the few fishing boats currently able to use their little harbour, gliding through the calm pale blue water.

How blessed am I to live within sight of the sea! I spent the first few years of my life on a small, sparsely populated Scottish island - lousy for developing social skills but imbuing me with a deep devotion to the wetness that surrounds our larger one...

I give thanks that though there was a mix up and I was sent both a volunteer transporter and a paid one, it was the taxi that arrived first as it turned out to be the best hospital journey I've ever had. Sometimes you just hit it off straight way with someone don't you? This happens more often when you've met through some common choice or interest rather than a random conjunction of time or place, but it turned out we shared quite a lot including a delight in solitary walking and wandering that borders on a need! We're both fans of the coast road so he was happy to comply with my request that my last trip to the unit take that route, and he even suggested we stopped in the carpark with the most spectacular view over the bay for a few minutes where we got out and chatted about what we could see and whether we should buy ice cream or not. This might sound odd but it didn't feel it at all, it felt like being with a friend...which I suppose is a bit odd actually!

I give thanks for a relaxing evening planned with leftovers to heat up for tea. It's been an energetic few days for me and I'm still in recovery from moving that chest of drawers upstairs last night. It's lovely and solid, just right for keeping mosaic stuff in but I'll be torn tomorrow between beginning giving it a much needed lick of paint or starting finishing off my first pieces now I've collected all the bits I need - including an old plastic card as I know from working on the frieze in my old kitchen that our flexible friends are great tools for small small scale grout jobs...

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