Tuesday 28 July 2020


I felt out very out of sorts this morning so give thanks for keeping on keeping on, and feeling better later on. For doing some of the things that had to be done as well as some of those I'd rather. For watching people on the sea wall walkway, which is not finished but has been made passable without the need for fluorescent orange clothing unless it's a fashion statement. I give thanks I can still see plenty of sea as well as humans and concrete and the way part of the concrete slopes down to the beach so lines of heads emerge and disappear as in some kind of physical comedy mime...

For beginning to learn to cut tiles for mosaic. It's tricky for me as it requires not only a firm squeeze of the right hand holding the nippers, but dexterity in the left to put the pieces in its jaws. Somehow overcoming the challenge makes it more rewarding as long as I only do a few at once otherwise that makes it more painful! For watching (and listening!) to four men struggling to manoeuvre giant arcade games on and off the back of a tail lift van. They were all young and slim with shirts and ties and shiny pointed shoes which seemed rather incongruous.

I give thanks for being friendly and kind while dealing with another transport muddle that resulted in missing my treatment slot and lots of phone calls and waiting around. I'm only half way through now at the time I thought I'd be home again and tucking into my curry, and my tummy isn't happy but I give thanks for the cannula going in first time, the internet working and the radio being quiet which is about as good as gets. I give thanks for starting writing this earlier and for thinking to finish and post it now while I'm still fairly chirpy... 

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