Sunday 20 September 2020


I give thanks today went rather swimmingly and I finally got my dip! For the wonders of neoprene as, though the water was really astonishingly warm, the extra layer gave me extra confidence about both my appearance and my body temperature. For Lidl for supplying my budget wetsuit several years ago and for being approximately still the shape! And for finally acquiring some aqua shoes that fit, aren't florescent and didn't cost silly money...

I give thanks for Clive popping over for a spot of quick quantity surveying before taking a full lunch box to a pleasingly empty  beach and basking there for a while before grabbing some essentials from the Co op and a few minutes essential snooze! I'm grateful I managed to grout a few tiles and for being pleased with the results! Also for putting together a curry from ready made paste and veg prepared yesterday before going back across the road for the aforementioned late afternoon short splash and swim, as I can hardly keep my eyes open now I'm showered and clean and dry!

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