Thursday 3 September 2020


I give thanks for feeling more human today than I've done for quite a while! I'd been beginning to wonder if that would ever happen again, and as I've been given the go ahead for my cancer treatment after dialysis tomorrow and am likely to be all of a flop for a few days after, it has come in very handy! I've been grateful for being able to catch up with domestic and DIY chores, shop for essentials and make favourite foods to tempt me if I'm feeling bleurgh...and all with remarkably little discomfort or pain. 

I give thanks for the local charity that helps homeless and others in need finally managing to send someone to collect my surplus, perfectly serviceable TV. They seemed surprised (as well as grateful) someone would think to donate something like that which I find mystifying. Maybe it helps I know more about what it's like to be near the bottom of the heap than a lot of folk who probably have a lot more to spare... I was also delighted the nearest charity shop to me is open again and receiving donations as if they are appreciated rather than with a sigh, a roll of the eyes and a long list of dos and don'ts as is the case with some of the others just now. For a holdall full of all sorts delivered, and more surprise that the holdall was gifted too... For a slight detour to remove my mask and bury my nose in honeysuckle tumbling over a cafe of my favourite flowers and fragrances. 

For an improved range of fruit and veg in our local Co-op in recent months - - I don't mean improved since lockdown, I mean better than it's ever been! Also for particularly delightful staff at Boots here. I loved the formerly independent pharmacy I used to use before I moved and it's great to have a  pleasant replacement.

For the majestic Queen Mary II gracing our waters with her gracious lines. Makes the newer style cruise ships moored nearby look as if they were modelled on walking boots! 

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