Saturday 19 September 2020


Despairing of finding a way I could get away somewhere for a day or two, I give thanks for deciding to stay in the spare room for the weekend! It's a lovely cosy little space despite being rather cluttered with items currently stored there that need to be somewhere else as well, delightfully 'hushed' by the new windows plus I find the fold out chair bed really very pleasant even if not much of a change of scene. I give thanks for planning to have a totally idle and unproductive day...and I guess also that that it didn't actually work out that way as I was grateful the food I made was tasty, and the washing up and ironing got done done, and that although it's not been like a vacation I've been pretty vacant, drifting through the hours at a most unhurried pace. I give thanks for some pootling with mosaic tiles, and some tile shopping as many of my ideas seem to be missing some parts of the intended design. For Ann generously rewarding me for a little bird I made for her...

The commitments of dialysis were always going to make taking holidays hard, and then there was Brexit damaging the reciprocal treatment agreement, the recurrence of cancer pushing insurance premiums sky high...oh,and Covid, of course, I don't have to explain the complications of that now do I? There are folk who have suggested I've been away 'enough' which I find a curious and rather condescending attitude, as all of the above makes me - just like most of you - long for a break in routine and respite from responsibilities, and somewhere between total abstinence and addiction lies our own personal sweet spot where levels of pleasure are concerned. Some get a kick from champagne...but mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all, it's pastures new for me! I give thanks for all the little ways I try to enliven my days (and nights) with what novelty and variety I can.


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