Tuesday 15 September 2020


I give thanks for days off, though today was more of an off day on! For waking up before my alarm was due to go off for an early (for me) start, and then waking up again not too late when it just tiptoed past the set time without ringing as it tends to do these days. For resolving (once again) to find the property where the dog barks for hours on end so I can report it. Whenever I go down the street by name alley by nature to listen it puts its paws over its mouth and holds its breath I swear, and I just get strange looks from the folks smoking outside the pub while I hover hopefully waiting. As I was confined to the back of the flat for most of the day while new windows went in at the front I was very grateful for the 'old' new ones at the back plus earplug/buds though I could still hear it yapping away in the background and, at intervals, its canine neighbours joining in so it sounded rather like a kennels. 

Most of the rest of the day was earmarked for a trip back to the city for a scan, and as the window fitting ran way over the predicted time and there wasn't the gap for pleasurable activities I'd planned I was grateful there was neither the weather nor the energy for those anyway. In the end I had to take off and leave the fitter behind still fitting! 

I give thanks for the adventure of making my own way to the hospital and back as this appointment wasn't eligible for provided transport. I'd been wondering about restarting the progress for holding my own budget for the journeys that are, and how the sense of risk (as considerable a factor as actual risk), relative inconvenience and slowness of public transport would compare. Absolute hands down winner for many trips I would say, with wonderful views, my own choice of what goes into my ears and on in my head plus the incalculable value of a small sense of independence! Felt like extra me time rather than extra hospital time... 

I give thanks for being exceedingly pleased with the new windows when I got home! 

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