Tuesday 8 September 2020


You've heard of negative equity, I'm sure, well I'm in negative energy just now with limited physical vigour and even less emotional oomph, so I give thanks for a morning in bed turning down my mind with a book and an afternoon mostly admiring the infinite blue of the sky and sea. For the little waves that look like dolphins even though you know they're not, for the plane that sounds like a Spitfire and it is. For the exquisite miniature beauty of lobelia flowers and for sunshine on my skin. None of these altered my mood much or for long but that wasn't the idea, as I'm wary of trying to fix the way you feel rather than just trying to be present with it and understand what's going on. There may be situations you can change, or stuff you need to get serene about...but until you've given them proper attention how are you going to know? 

I give thanks for the pretty sunset light the last couple of evenings. For the unexpected summery day. For going outdoors and not on the way to hospital

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