Tuesday 1 September 2020


I met a charming Dutch man today. We exchanged a few pleasantries and he briefly laid his hand on my arm... and that was the extent of my 'urgent' access surgery appointment, following not even seeing the chap on my 'emergency' one last week. I give thanks for his reassurance he had no plans to fix what didn't seem to be broken and for his apology for over zealous members of the team summoning me unnecessarily when he could see from my notes I already had 'a lot going on' *. I expressed relief that this was one less thing to stress over and went to see how messed up the return journey would be after the one into the city was so late they turned up to take me home before I'd even arrived! I give thanks I'd taken my mp3 player as the driver was the one who refuses point blank to turn off Radio 2's Let's Talk About Me phone-in show or whatever it's really called, and after oncology calling to see if I was expecting my immunotherapy at 5pm on Friday (Me: Er...yes, that's the appointment I was given unless you know any different? Them: No, no, we're just checking!) my faith in the workings of the NHS had taken quite a plummet, and some soothing tunes came in handy... 

I give thanks it's as if a switch was flipped last overnight and the ratio of visitors to locals is no longer critical, it's much less busy everywhere and the tourists who are still round are much quieter! I'd been holding out for a change but hadn't expected one so dramatic, and with the return of the warm sunshine I crave I did struggle to be grateful for this morning's extended goose chase...but I do give thanks while typing that I remembered the fox ambling around the hospital grounds! 

For cooking a plant burger and toasting a ciabatta bun when I got home while I changed into shorter leggings and scruffier shoes to take my lunch down to the cove. I've been feeling like someone who has a lot going on the last couple of weeks and though it was an effort to get there and back it was precious to have some quality in among all the drudgery and drama of keeping the quantity up. 

* euphemistic medical phrase meaning you're f*cked

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