Wednesday 30 September 2020


La la la la...where was I? Oh yes, la la la la... I give thanks for still feeling the effects of yesterday's gong bath and that they include plenty of energy, particularly creative energy but also the sort that had me changing light bulbs (including cleaning the fittings!) and giving the freezers drawers a sort out and spruce up ready for an influx of Sainsbury's frozen fare.

I give thanks the delivery came a little early I was home a lot late and famished. Also that the missed random mobile call during journey was the driver trying to come even earlier and not some panic message from the hospital regarding my fistula flow which has everyone in a bother again. For making it quite clear if I needed to see a surgeon it wouldn't be tonight unless he came to my place as I was in considerable need of my tea! 

I give thanks for the unusual taxi driver who admires the quality of light and thinks there are as many different truths as there are people on the planet. Don't get many of those! 

I give thanks it's not raining in Paris (and that I'm old enough to remember that meaning something else! For floodlights and a huge plate of assorted spicy food. 

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