Thursday 17 September 2020


I give thanks for learning about 'miswanting' on the Yale Science of Wellbeing course. The human brain has a great capacity for error where predicting future feelings are concerned and we are often drawn to choices that don't produce the pleasure we imagined they might. I was grateful to discover I'd already acquired some healthy aspirational habits...but knowing what will make you feel good and knowing how to get it are not the same thing, and today there was a considerable mismatch between my desires and my opportunities. So much needing to be done, so much I'd rather be doing and not enough time for both so I ended up feeling unreasonably hard done by (as we fortunate first world people often do) and, with my brain full of resentment instead of concentration not making much progress on either set of projects and tasks. 

I give thanks for remembering in the grand scheme of things this didn't really matter, giving up and taking a picnic lunch down to the beach instead...oh, and for the beach being so close by of course! One of the activities I craved was a swim but the sea conditions, though bracing to look, were not really safe for that - the kind of undertow that will take you out at ankle height, never mind out of your depth. I give thanks for losing my footing paddling however as I got the dip I'd been wanting all along! For a lot of additional absolutely nothing, not even reading or listening to music, just lying still on the sand in the sunshine recharging my batteries a bit.

I give thanks for Julie collecting a clicked grocery order and an enjoyable catch up chat. Now, which of the things I should have got done should I head off to next? 

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