Saturday 19 June 2021


So, one of my build up supplements comes as a juice drink, and I decided at 6 am it might go nicely on some fresh fruit salad and arose to make a bowl of the kidney friendly sort and popped it in the fridge. Then by 7.30 I was thinking some granola would be good with that and was up making the renal version...and a couple of hours later was in the Co-op buying kefir and a Danish pastry for the kind of breakfast I usually only (used to) enjoy staying in a fancy hotel. The steroids may hinder sleep but I'm extremely grateful for the increasing sense of wellness they are bringing to waking hours!

I give thanks for lots of time to rest nonetheless as I easily run out of steam. For it being tennis season which, for me, makes lounging on the sofa very appealing indeed - especially when there's some gripping matches as today.  For not hot sunny weather to create any competing urges to lounge around outside.  Above all else though I give thanks for beginning to feel creative again...Not had the energy to do a lot about it yet as taking care of myself still takes care of most of that, but for the past couple of months it's been as if this vast and valuable part of me has simply vanished, which was as distressing as the obvious physical signs of something wrong.

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