Friday 4 June 2021


I give thanks for finally waking up, warming up and, somewhat later still, actually getting up off the sofa to grab my phone and some water. I've always had a dodgy body thermostat so I give thanks for discovering in my fifties that this is a common symptom of fibromyalgia, not (just) me being a wimp! For resolving to remember I'm extra wimpy at the moment having lost some personal insulation which makes me extra vulnerable to chills from the extra fresh air circulating to keep the busy nursing staff cool. For thawing out after I got home so no one said 'Ooh, you're hot!' and started a panic! For cold flushes, no matter how uncomfortable probably being easier to deal with than hot ones as I don't need to suddenly, and maybe inappropriately, strip off! 

I give thanks for managing to strip off my bed at high speed this morning as, due to being behind with the washing up, I used a larger mug than usual and failed to bring it into land successfully on the bedside table - so hot tea spilled over the furniture, wall, mattress, carpet, rug and and bedding (except, mercifully, the duvet). I give thanks for moving my phone from the puddle extra quick and it suffering no obvious ill effects, but I couldn't work out how to sort out the chaos AND make fresh tea to help give me the energy to do so. For somehow managing, getting a load of laundry done, and wiping down what I could before I left, but remaking the bed will have to be a puzzle to solve when I'm too tired to stay up any longer. I'd sleep on the spare room but it's full of kitchen unit and racks of laundry! I give thanks it's good drying weather.. 

I give thanks my taxi driver was full of cheer today, having booked his first official four seater flying lesson for tomorrow. He gained some experience in various craft as a cadet quite a long time ago, and had his own microlight in younger adulthood, but being considerably less light himself these days and having teenage daughters he decided to go for something more practical. Like many of us he's had many struggles and challenges in recent times and it was lovely to see him so enthusiastic and excited. 

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